物理有机化学:主客体识别机制以及构象对化学反应途径的调控 生物物理化学:利用分子模拟、深度学习、光谱和波谱技术研究生物大分子与生物大分子、小分子的动态识别机制和结构调控
1993-1997 辽宁大学化学系本科生, 理学学士学位; 1997-2000 辽宁大学化学系所硕士研究生, 理学硕士学位; 2000-2003 中科院化学所博士研究生, 理学博士学位
2000-2002 比利时鲁汶大学化学系,博士后 2002-2003 瑞典厄勒布鲁生命科学中心,博士后人
Dynamics of 5R-Tg Base Flipping in DNA Duplexes Based on Simulations-Agreement with Experiments and Beyond Wang,SD;Eriksson, L A* and Zhang,RB* JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL INFORMATION AND MODELING 2022,62,386-398 Markov state models elucidate the stability of DNA influenced by the chiral 5S-Tg base Wang,SD; Zhang,RB* and Eriksson, LA* NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH 2022,50,9072-9082 Off-On Squalene Epoxidase-Specific Fluorescent Probe for Fast Imaging in Living Cells Zang, Tienan; Wang, SD;Su, S;Gao, MX;Chen, QQ;Liang, CL;Jing, J;Zhang, RB*;Zhang, XL*ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 2021, 93,14716-14721 Molecular dynamics study of the recognition of ATP by nucleic acid aptamers Xie, Ya-chen; Eriksson, Leif A. *; Zhang, Rubo* NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH,2020,48(12),6471-6480 Oxygen Dependent Purine Lesions in Double-Stranded Oligodeoxynucleotides: Kinetic and Computational Studies Highlight the Mechanism for 5 ',8-Cyclopurine Formation Chatgilialoglu, C* ; Eriksson, LA ; Krokidis, MG ; Masi, A ; Wang, SD ; Zhang, RB* JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY,2020,142(12),5825-5833