2000.09-2003.07 中国科学院化学研究所,化学专业,理学博士
1997.09-2000.07 南开大学,化学专业,理学硕士
1993.09-1997.07 中国地质大学(武汉),工业分析专业,工学学士
2005.07-至今 yl6809永利官网,副教授
2004.11-2005.06 yl6809永利官网理学院,讲师
2003.09-2004.09 延世大学,化学系,博士后
1. Liu, Y. Q.; Qu, X. J.; Guo, Q. S.; Sun, Q. J.; Huang, X. B., QD-Biopolymer-TSPP Assembly as Efficient BiFRET Sensor for Ratiometric and Visual Detection of Zinc Ion. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces 2017, 9 (5), 4725-4732.
2. Liu, X. F.; Cai, Y. H.; Huang, X. B.; Zhang, R. B.; Sun, X. B., A perylene diimide electron acceptor with a triptycene core for organic solar cells. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2017, 5 (12), 3188-3194.
3. Yan, X. Y.; Fan, H. J.; Gu, H. F.; Zhang, J. L.; Huang, X. B.; Zhang, R. B.; Zhan, X. W., Synthesis of an octathienyl-fused phthalocyanine as a donor material for organic solar cells. Dyes and Pigments 2015, 114, 124-128.
4. Huang, X. B.; Shi, Q. Q.; Chen, W. Q.; Zhu, C. L.; Zhou, W. Y.; Zhao, Z.; Duan, X. M.; Zhan, X. W., Low-Bandgap Conjugated Donor-Acceptor Copolymers Based on Porphyrin with Strong Two-Photon Absorption. Macromolecules 2010, 43 (23), 9620-9626.
5. Sun, T.; Tian, L.; Li, J. M.; Qi, M. L.; Fu, R. N.; Huang, X. B., Dithienyl benzothiadiazole derivatives: A new type of stationary phases for capillary gas chromatography. J. Chromatogr. A 2013, 1321, 109-118.
6. Yang, Y. H.; Wang, Q. S.; Qi, M. L.; Huang, X. B., pi-Extended triptycene-based material for capillary gas chromatographic separations. Anal. Chim. Acta 2017, 988, 121-129.